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Read online book Critical Issues in Rural Health (2004, Hardcover) by DOC, PDF


A large sector of the United States (U.S.) population. About 22 percent of Americans, approximately 55 million people, are considered "rural" residents. Rural people have a unique set of health issues; they experience social, cultural, and economic disadvantages that can increase their risk for adverse health consequences. The first text of its kind, Critical Issues in Rural Health, provides comprehensive sociological study of rural health and health care trends in the United States, by examining the health and well-being of rural populations at all stages of life. Editors Glasgow, Morton, and Johnson present integrative reviews of theory and research on rural health issues, with the most up-to-date statistics of empirical research. This informative and groundbreaking text goes beyond the scope of previous studies and emphasizes differences between rural and urban areas in health and health care. Surprisingly little research has examined the differences in disability and morality rates by residence or degree of rurality-this book does. In additon, contributing authors report on the impact of age or life stage, race and ethnicity, social class, rural occupations, and community structure on various health issues., Rural residents, who make up a large number of the population, experience social, cultural, and economic disadvantages that can increase their risks for devastating health consequences. The first of its kind, this book provides a comprehensive sociological treatment of trends in rural USA health and health care. The editors have presented both integrative reviews of theory and research on rural health issues, as well as the most up-to-date findings of empirical research. This book emphasizes differences between rural and urban areas in health and health care, and chapter authors report the interactions of gender, race, social class, region, and age or life course stage with different substantive health issues. Past research has examined morbidity differentials between rural and urban areas, but surprisingly little research has examined differences in disability and mortality rates by place of residence or degree of rurality - this book does This informative and groundbreaking text/reference goes beyond the prior studies by examining health and well-being of rural people at All stages of the life cycle with the most up-to-date statistics available

- Critical Issues in Rural Health (2004, Hardcover) read ebook DOC, PDF, DJV

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