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L. Ron Hubbard - Battlefield Earth : A Saga of the Year 3000 ebook EPUB, PDF, DJV


21st CENTURY EDITIONExpanded ContentAuthor InterviewAuthor Notes THRILL TO L. RON HUBBARD S EPIC SCIENCE FICTION ADVENTURE "Battlefield Earth" is a swashbuckling science fiction saga of adventure, daring and courage, when man is an endangered species and the future survival of what's left of the human race is at stake. In the year 3000 AD, man has been savagely ruled for a thousand years by a space-plundering race of nine-foot high, gas-breathing conquerors from the planet Psychlo. One of the Psychlos, the villainous Terl, enslaves a man-creature and forces him to mine Earth gold. Terl s plan: to teleport the gold to Psychlo, where he can then return wealthy beyond the dreams of avarice. The slave emerges in the form of Jonnie Goodboy Tyler, a member of the dwindling community of only 35,000 human survivors. However, Jonnie has plans other than to make Terl wealthy namely, to free mankind from alien tyranny and cause the ultimate destruction of the Psychlo invaders. But is Jonnie s fight to save humanity from these gigantic and technologically superior monsters a losing battle? Or will humans regain the Earth once more? Now, discover the fate of our world for yourself in L. Ron Hubbard s pulse-pounding novel "Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 " This 21st Century Edition features: The author s never-before-published handwritten notes.An exclusive author interview.Original lyrics for the novel written by L. Ron Hubbard.Cover art by legendary Frank Frazetta. Experience the epic adventure that changed the shape of science fiction forever. "Battlefield Earth" is more than pure science fiction, it s pure gold. BARNES & NOBLE This has EVERYTHING: suspense, pathos, politics, war, humor, diplomacy and intergalactic finance. "PUBLISHERS WEEKLY" "Battlefield Earth" is a terrific story The carefully underplayed comedy I found delicious. A masterpiece. ROBERT A. HEINLEIN Author of "Stranger in a Strange Land" A pulse-pounding mile-a-minute sci-fi action adventure that does not stop. It is a masterpiece of popular science fiction. BRANDON SANDERSON Author of "The Way of Kings" Non-stop and fast-paced. Every chapter has a big bang-up adventure. KEVIN J. ANDERSON Author of "The Dark Between the Stars" The swashbuckling energy and wonder of "Star Wars." DAVE WOLVERTON Author of "Star Wars: The Courtship of Princess Leia" ", >Battlefield Earth is an enormous epic of adventure set in the year 3000, when the future survival of what's left of the human race is at stake. When Jonnie Goodboy Tyler decides to venture out of the small and dwindling community of humans barely surviving in their Rocky Mountain retreat, he has no thought of challenging the order that for a thousand years has held the earth prisoner to the oppressive alien race of the Psychlos. The Psychlos and their vast intergalactic mining corporation have dominated and exploited all known galaxies for centuries, ruthlessly destroying races who dare to resist. How one man--with the aid of a few surviving Scotsmen--tackles the greatest malignant power in the universe makes for a sprawling adventure of thrilling heroics, full of dangerous underground work, interplanetary wars, intergalactic financial intrigue, monster races, and complex political manipulation spread across a vast canvas of epic scale. This new 21st Century Edition contains these bonuses: Cover art by legendary SF and fantasy painter Frank Frazetta. The author's never-before-published handwritten notes. An exclusive interview with the author. FREE POSTER OFFER Enter your Amazon order confirmation at and you'll get a bonus gift of a full-color 24 x 36-inch poster of the stunning cover painting by Frank Frazetta, suitable for framing (value: $19.99)!, As big as Star Wars. As desperate as Hunger Games. A thousand years in the future, an alien empire has overrun the planet and the human race has become an endangered species. Now all that stands between mankind and total extinction is a courageous young man determined to rally the scattered tribes of his species to take on the technologically advanced oppressors. It's one of the bestselling sci-fi novels of all time nonstop action, adventure and intergalactic intrigue. This Special Edition contain expanded content: Never-before unpublished author HANDWRITTEN notes about Battlefield EarthFascinating author interviewAnd much more... "Over 1,000 pages of thrills, spills, vicious aliens and noble humans. I found it un-put-downable." Neil Gaiman "The futuristic tale, featuring aliens and humans fighting for survival, comes across as compelling and believable...." Booklist "Think of the Star Wars sagas and Raiders of the Lost Ark, mix in the triumph of Rocky I, II and III and you have captured the exuberance, style and glory of Battlefield Earth." Baltimore Sun "Battlefield Earth has the same exuberant pacing and action-loaded story as Star Wars." Roland J. Green "Brilliant science fiction author." New York Daily News ", CAN HUMANKIND OVERCOME THE ALIEN INVADERS WHO HAVE ENSLAVED US FOR OVER A THOUSAND YEARS? Now available for the first time ever: the 21st Century Edition of L. Ron Hubbard's New York Times best-selling book Battlefield Earth. This special edition features new material never before published in book form including: the author's handwritten notes (annotated), an exclusive author interview, original lyrics for the novel written by L. Ron Hubbard, and cover art by legendary fantasy artist Frank Frazetta. Battlefield Earth is an epic science fiction saga of adventure, daring and courage, when man is an endangered species and the future survival of what's left of the human race is at stake. In the year 3000 AD, man has been savagely ruled for a thousand years by the Psychlos, a space-plundering race of nine-foot tall, highly intelligent, gas-breathing conquerors with razor sharp claws and superhuman strength. The villainous Psychlo, Terl, enslaves a man-creature and forces him to mine Earth gold. Terl's plan: to teleport the gold to Psychlo, where he can then return wealthy beyond the dreams of avarice. The slave emerges in the form of Jonnie Goodboy Tyler, a member of a dwindling community of human survivors hiding in the Rocky Mountains. However, Jonnie has plans other than to make Terl wealthy--namely, to free mankind from alien tyranny--and cause the ultimate destruction of the Psychlo invaders. For Jonnie has discovered the alien's one weakness--their "kryptonite"--a substance native to Earth that is absolutely deadly to them. Jonnie and a small ragtag brand of courageous rebels set out in search of a secret vault where the last remaining stash of this weapon is hidden away. But is Jonnie's fight to save humanity from these gigantic and technologically superior monsters a losing battle? Or will humans regain the Earth once more? Now, discover the fate of our world for yourself in L. Ron Hubbard's pulse-pounding novel Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 !, EPIC SCIENCE FICTION ADVENTURE "Battlefield Earth" is an enormous epic of adventure set in the year 3000, when the future survival of what's left of the human race is at stake. When Jonnie Goodboy Tyler decides to venture out of the small and dwindling community of humans barely surviving in their Rocky Mountain retreat, he has no thought of challenging the order that for a thousand years has held the earth prisoner to the oppressive alien race of the Psychlos. The Psychlos and their vast intergalactic mining corporation have dominated and exploited all known galaxies for centuries, ruthlessly destroying races who dare to resist. How one man with the aid of a few surviving Scotsmen tackles the greatest malignant power in the universe makes for a sprawling adventure of thrilling heroics, full of dangerous underground work, interplanetary wars, intergalactic financial intrigue, monster races, and complex political manipulation spread across a vast canvas of epic scale. This New Special Edition contains: Never-before publishedHANDWRITTENnotesFascinating author interviewOriginal lyrics inspired by the novelAnd much more... This has everything: suspense, pathos, politics, war, humor, diplomacy and intergalactic finance. "Publishers Weekly" "Battlefield Earth "is a terrific story The carefully underplayed comedy I found delicious. A masterpiece. Robert A. Heinlein Pulse-pounding mile-a-minute sci-fi action adventure that does not stop. It is a masterpiece of popular adventure science fiction. Brandon Sanderson Space opera that hits the right notes. It's provocative, exhilarating and genuinely enjoyable. SCIFI.COM "Over 1,000 pages of thrills, spills, vicious aliens and noble humans. I found it un-put-downable." Neil Gaiman "The futuristic tale, featuring aliens and humans fighting for survival, comes across as compelling and believable...." Booklist "Brilliant science fiction author." New York Daily News "Think of the Star Wars sagas and Raiders of the Lost Ark, mix in the triumph of Rocky I, II and III and you have captured the exuberance, style and glory of Battlefield Earth." Baltimore Sun "Battlefield Earth has the same exuberant pacing and action-loaded story as Star Wars." Roland J. Green "A masterpiece." Robert Heinlein", I>> Battlefield Earth is an enormous epic of adventure set in the year 3000, when the future survival of what's left of the human race is at stake. When Jonnie Goodboy Tyler decides to venture out of the small and dwindling community of humans barely surviving in their Rocky Mountain retreat, he has no thought of challenging the order that for a thousand years has held the earth prisoner to the oppressive alien race of the Psychlos. The Psychlos and their vast intergalactic mining corporation have dominated and exploited all known galaxies for centuries, ruthlessly destroying races who dare to resist. How one man with the aid of a few surviving Scotsmen tackles the greatest malignant power in the universe makes for a sprawling adventure of thrilling heroics, full of dangerous underground work, interplanetary wars, intergalactic financial intrigue, monster races, and complex political manipulation spread across a vast canvas of epic scale. This new 21st Century Edition contains these bonuses: Cover art by legendary SF and fantasy painter Frank Frazetta. The author s never-before-published handwritten notes. An exclusive interview with the author. FREE POSTER OFFER Enter your Amazon order confirmation at http: // and you ll get a bonus gift of a full-color 24 x 36-inch poster of the stunning cover painting by Frank Frazetta, suitable for framing (value: $19.99) ", One of the bestselling sci-fi novels of all time#8212nonstop action, adventure and intergalactic intrigue. A thousand years in the future, an alien empire has overrun the planet and the human race has become an endangered species. Now all that stands between mankind and total extinction is a courageous young man determined to rally the scattered tribes of his species to take on the technologically advanced oppressors. NEW EXPANDED CONTENT: Never-before published author HANDWRITTEN notes about Battlefield Earth Fascinating author interview And much more... "Pulse-pounding mile-a-minute sci-fi action adventure that does not stop. It is a masterpiece of popular adventure science-fiction."#8212 Brandon Sanderson "Over 1,000 pages of thrills, spills, vicious aliens and noble humans. I found it un-put-downable."#8212 Neil Gaiman "The futuristic tale, featuring aliens and humans fighting for survival, comes across as compelling and believable...."#8212 Booklist "Think of the Star Wars sagas and Raiders of the Lost Ark, mix in the triumph of Rocky I, II and III and you have captured the exuberance, style and glory of Battlefield Earth." #8212 Baltimore Sun "Brilliant science fiction author."#8212 New York Daily News, Publishers Weekly and USA Today Best Seller! "A pulse-pounding mile-a-minute sci-fi action adventure that does not stop. It is a masterpiece of popular science fiction." --Brandon Sanderson In response the Voyager launched in 1977, an alien race, the Psychlos, remorselessly wiped out the humans with a poisonous gas barrage, and ground and air bombings. They killed more than 99.9% of the people on Earth, not to mention their sadistic hunting sprees of people for pure pleasure for the ensuing 1,000 years. Now, there are about 3,000 Psychlos stationed on Earth, mining her remaining natural resources, and mankind is an endangered species. Terl, the greedy and sadistic Psychlo Planetary Security Chief assigned to Earth, has a selfish plan for a future of abundance and prosperity. This plan requires enslaving humans to mine precious gold in the treacherous Rocky Mountains, and then wiping out all of the evidence, including all remaining human life. Enslaved by Terl, Jonnie Goodboy Tyler must turn a small desperate band of the last survivors into a tightly coordinated rebel force. Pitted against impossible odds, they must outsmart this cunning and vicious alien adversary that has conquered all opposition throughout the galaxy into total oblivion. Is Jonnie's fight to save humanity from these gigantic, technologically superior, and cruel monsters a losing battle where mankind will become forever extinct? Or will humans regain the Earth once more after centuries of domination by the alien invaders in this high-stakes science fiction adventure? Experience the book that changed the shape of science fiction forever. When first published, Battlefield Earth dominated the best-seller lists for 32 weeks. A Random House Modern Readers Library Poll voted Battlefield Earth one of the Best 100 English language novels of the 20th century. The great SF author Robert Heinlein called Battlefield Earth "a masterpiece." This new 21st Century Edition contains these bonuses: Cover art by legendary SF and fantasy painter Frank Frazetta. The author's never-before-published handwritten notes. An exclusive interview with the author., Suspense, politics, war, humor and intergalactic finance. A towering masterwork of science fiction adventure and one of the best-selling science fiction novels of all time, L. Ron Hubbard's Battlefield Earth opens with breathtaking scope on an Earth dominated for 1,000 years by an alien invader and man is an endangered species. From the handful of surviving humans a courageous leader emerges Jonnie Goodboy Tyler, who challenges the invincible might of the alien Psychlo empire in a battle of epic scale, danger and intrigue with the fate of the Earth and of the universe in the tenuous balance. "A terrific story." -- Robert Heinlein Special edition with expanded content including never before published handwritten notes by the author, interview and star charts., THE FINAL RECKONING 1977. NASA launches the space probe Voyager 1. One of its missions: answer the question is there intelligent life beyond our planet? Fast-forward a thousand years. Question answered . . . by the Psychlos, an alien race who ve proven just how terrifying intelligent life can be. Tracing Voyager 1 back to its origins, the Psychlos have scorched the Earth, all but wiped out the human race and stripped the planet of natural resources. Now, in the year 3000, humankind faces total extinction. But in this post-apocalyptic world, as a new millennium arises, so too has the courageous Jonnie Goodboy Tyler. A natural-born leader, Jonnie manages to raise an army out of the remnants of humanity, knowing that against the seemingly invincible aliens, the uprising will require a daring strike on an epic scale. Is it the end of our world . . . or the dawn of a new one? Will the human race be an instrument of the planet s destruction . . . or the seed of its rebirth? The answers lie at the heart of Battlefield Earth the landmark New York Times bestselling saga of intrigue and suspense, love and war, power and vision. It s your future. Don t miss it. This New Special Edition contains: Never-before published HANDWRITTENnotes Fascinating author interview Original lyrics inspired by the novel And much more... Pulse-pounding mile-a-minute sci-fi action adventure that does not stop. It is a masterpiece of popular adventure science-fiction. Brandon Sanderson "Over 1,000 pages of thrills, spills, vicious aliens and noble humans. I found it un-put-downable." Neil Gaiman "The futuristic tale, featuring aliens and humans fighting for survival, comes across as compelling and believable...." Booklist "Brilliant science fiction author." New York Daily News "Think of the Star Wars sagas and Raiders of the Lost Ark, mix in the triumph of Rocky I, II and III and you have captured the exuberance, style and glory of Battlefield Earth." Baltimore Sun "Battlefield Earth has the same exuberant pacing and action-loaded story as Star Wars." Roland J. Green "A terrific story." Robert Heinlein "

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